It has been said that Roses are red and Violets are blue
The Violets are violent
So violets are red
Like all of the time
They wish roses were dying
Dead in their beds
Pushing up daisies
Yeah, violets are crazy
And acting all shady
I dunno maybe
I can say safely
Violets are red
Because violets are angry
And so roses are blue
You would be too
If violets aimed violence
And pistils at you
Roses are red?
That ain't all true
Instead of the red
Rose is actually blue
Being exceedingly sad
Yet playing it cool
Not real sure what to do
Or how to elude ultraviolet pursuit
Or to quiet the tyrant
Or calm down the climate
Or pilot this crises
These violets is ISIS
Killing its kindness and niceness
The rose grows to icy
Grows poison like ivy
Grows tired of stymie
So... no go on hiding
Thorns... come out fighting
Swoosh, Just Do it—Nike
Other flowers will likely
Say—roses are feisty
Forgetting—when it politely
Begged—violets to Spike Lee
Do the right thang
Did violets change?
The colors they once were
Are now rearranged
To this day,
Roses violate violets
So fate makes
A stigma of hate
The symbols and pigments
Of petals re-written
Now roses are red
Red is indignantly ignorant
While violets are brilliant
Stole the script
Flip it
Then for an instant
Pretending religion
New image same mission
The Grinch’s Christmas
White Lily my witness
When Rose was listless
Violet did finish
the ones on its hitlist
Painting roses malicious
It shall ever be written
That just like the violets
The “Roses are Red”
And just like we read
What we already knew,
“Violets are Blue”
And roses are too
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