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No tears Shed


The show is not kiboSHED

It shall be reSHEDuled 


The day the dates are re-establiSHED

I will have daSHED slash ruSHED to the Interweb


Thus, the mission will be well accompliSHED


Honestly, I embelliSHED “SHED” after I publiSHED an unpoliSHED email blast that could not be unpubliSHED. Yeah, I was astoniSHED; I misspelled “rescheduled.”

Poet's Past & Present Performances

Poet t.l. sanders' many performances whether at the Gem Theater, the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, the KC Fringe Fest, a classroom, or a conference will illuminate, educate, inspire, provoke and surprise. To Sanders, "The Language Artists," poetry is a way up and a way out. His vast experiences as a performer, teacher, curriculum writer, and mentor make his work valuable to a wide variety of audiences. To book a performance of his one-man show, or a speaking engagement contact him here. 

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Book Launch & Open Mic

October 12th 11 am to 2 pm

Join TL Sanders as Emcee and Featured Poet at the Fountainverse Small Press Poetry Festival or come for the whole weekend. October 11 to 13th. 

"When facing a problem

The First Step is stopping

Stop letting where you're at 

Be the mindset that determines how far you can get


Yeah, you’ve been cut plus stabbed in the back 


Use a suture

Fix your eyes on a time in the future

Wrap your hands round the straps of your boots 

Or your bow aimed by you 

A well-trained archer

After success a target much larger

You are not a problem 

You are THEE 

Problem Solver"


~ Poet tl sanders

KC Fringe FEst Lorreto Commons

Buy Tickets!

Producer's Pick Award winner


©2019  Poet t.l. sanders

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